Between the eBooks, case studies, and blog posts, you could fill a virtual warehouse of all the great content your association has generated to increase membership and drive member engagement. But how do you manage all these people who are reading your material? And what do you do with the data coming in?
This is the crux of inbound marketing and the subject of Joe Rominiecki’s “Inbound Marketing’s Potential for Membership” post on Associations Now. Rominiecki interviewed Dave Martin, Aptify’s chief marketing officer and long-time advocate of inbound marketing for associations.
Along with explaining how inbound is more like a magnet than a megaphone (the ever ubiquitous icon of marketing) and why the association industry is a perfect fit for attracting members via this approach, Martin discusses how to structure an inbound marketing team and how to get the most from integrating a marketing automation solution with membership software.
The end result is the ability to grow your membership ranks while being able to predict future revenue. That makes for a pretty powerful warehouse!