You prosper when your members thrive.
Competition for members’ time and focus has never been greater. Deliver new value to members in new ways and see the impact on your organization.
The Community Brands Association Suite is the industry’s most complete set of association software solutions – all designed to work well with Aptify and deliver the most value possible to your members.
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What happens when you transform the member experience? They thrive and your organization continues to grow. Thousands of associations are transforming how they support their members through the Community Brands Association Suite.
Association Management
Attract, engage, and retain members.
Deliver member experiences that set your organization apart with compelling AMS options that fit your members’ and your staff’s unique needs. Aptify offers enterprise level capabilities out-of-the box on an open platform with room to configure.
Career Centers
Help members take that next step.
In times like these, members are looking for the right opportunity to fit their life and aspirations. Younger workers change roles frequently and view job opportunities as one of the greatest benefits associations provide. Be there throughout their career journey by delivering the most targeted and premium job opportunities. For those not yet a member, leverage insights from your job board visitors to create a list of high-value potential members to target for acquisition.
Event Management
Make virtual and in-person connections more meaningful.
Events and networking are one of the top drivers of member engagement. Leverage member data to create personalized event experiences that are streamlined and frictionless for members. The complete set of event tech solutions will help you manage every aspect of your virtual or in-person event, while also leveraging key insights from Aptify including past event attendance, demographics, dietary requirements, or even topics of interest. Help members skip lines, network and navigate to event sessions that are most relevant to them. Once complete, bring insights from the event back into Aptify to improve future member touch points.
Learning Management
Connect members with training that will make an impact.
Career and learning opportunities are what motivate many members to join and renew. In one easy-to-use portal, present members with relevant learning courses that keep them coming back for more. Demographic, career, and past training insights from Aptify can be used to make personalized learning recommendations to the right members at the right time.