Welcome to the Aptify User Community’s new blog! This blog is a unique opportunity to share news, updates and community-based content, while also offering a place for you to interact with other Aptify users.


Here’s what you can look forward to on the Aptify User Community Blog:

  • Community events and announcements
  • Aptify how to videos and mini training blogs
  • Association success news
  • Aptify Committee updates

On the blog you will hear from Aptify users like yourself, community and committee members as well as Aptify experts. 

We invite you to interact, leave comments and ask questions. For technical support or questions about the Aptify product we can help you here.

You can access the new blog at anytime at  blog.aptify.com/community and edit your notification preferences through the notification center in your weekly User Community Blog emails. Let me know below in the comments if there are any blogs or articles you would like to see or if you would like to become a contributor.


Angie Karpouzis
Product Marketing Manager

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